Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Piracy and plunder, silat and sorcery

The Beruas Prophecy by Iskandar Al-Bakri (RM 30.00)

20 Aug 1824, Robert Fullerton has just been appointed the Governor of the Prince of Wales Island (Penang) under the British administration in India. He is intent on intervening in the affairs of Perak, which is under the influence of Siam, despite reservations of the Colonial Office in London. To achieve his end of persuading Perak to accept a British Resident for 'protection', but primarily to gain access to its riches, Fullerton condones privateering, the escalation of piracy in the waters of the state.

The story trails the dark history of the Malay Peninsula involving, politically influential, Malay secret societies during this period, Indera Sakti was formed in the sixteenth century, after the defeat of the Malaccan army by the Portuguese, by soldiers who vowed to take back the entire peninsula, but currently consists of "sadistic reptiles who are assassins, pirates and other undesireables." Darul Kubra, another society, was formed to protect the treasures of Malik Al-Mansur, the ruler of Beruas who abandoned the city and fled from the advancing Portuguese.

This is a historical fiction, a swashbuckling tale of silat and sorcery, piracy and plunder. And Magic.

Other new titles:
1) Mengharungi Titik Noktah by Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim (RM 30.00)
2) Zombijaya by Adib Zaini (RM 20.00)
3) Menyapu Sampah ke Bawah Tikar by Pusat KOMAS (RM 10.00)
4) Aku Bangsa Malaysia by Pusat KOMAS (RM 10.00)
5) Policing Sexuality: Sex Society and the State by Julian C.H. Lee (RM48.00)
6) 60 Tahun Ekonomi Pasaran Sosial by Christian L Glossner & David Gregosz (RM32.00)
7) Reformasi Pendidikan di Malaysia: Merentas Jalan Baru by Al-Mustaqeem Mahmod Radhi & Sri Murniati (RM22.00)
8) Kata-Kata Pengubah Dunia: Kumpulan Pidato Tokoh-Tokoh Besar by Al-Mustaqeem Mahmod Radhi (RM26.00)
9) Pemanasan Global & Perubahan Iklim by Noor Amin Ahmad (RM 18.00)
10) Hitamputih: Catatan dan Pesanan (Book + CD) by Taj Addin (RM30.00)
11) Freedom Film Fest 2011 (DVD) (RM 15.00)
12) Bangsa Malaysia COmpilation 2011 (DVD) (RM 10.00)