'Anwar on Trial: In the Face of Injustice' gives readers a cogent look into the detailed workings of the 1998 corruption trial of Anwar Ibrahim. Captured through the lens of a lawyer who was present throughout the proceedings, this book presents a first-hand account of the goings-on in court and outside it.
Pawancheek Marican examines the way that the Malaysian judiciary was systematically emasculated and turned into a pawn of the executive, the consequences of which will linger for many generations to come.
From the trial judge who forbade Anwar to argue his defence of conspiracy to the abuse of the Attorney-General's chambers, this book lays bare the political machinations taking place behind the scenes by those in power to remain in power.
The information contained within this book comes at an opportune moment as Anwar Ibrahim faces yet another sodomy trial in 2009- this time, however, from the freedom of his own home and as the Opposition Leader and Member of Parliament for Permatang Pauh in Penang.
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